Tuesday, August 28, 2007

**FINISHED***! KOTOR THE MOVIE - PART 1 (first 10 mins)

Duration: 10:40 minutes
Upload Time: 06-11-23 14:17:01
User: kevinsocal2k6
:::: Favorites

The first ten minutes of the Knights of the Old Republic: Episode 1 movie. Subsequent parts will follow, until the full movie is available for all! KOTOR Episode I was not made for money, it is a NON PROFIT project. It was made to introduce to a new audience, as well as its faithful, a fresh and cinematic take on this fascinating era.

SilentHillPlayer ::: Favorites
dude That face looks like Chris Daughtry
07-08-27 15:57:10
bonFreakingJovi ::: Favorites
I heard romurs they might make it an MMO, which would suck horribly from my standpoint, heres why I think so 1. the story would be ruined 2. the story would be ruined 3. the story would be ruined I hope they do make it, but I hope it just continues the story, however, if they could successfully put a 2 player mode, that could be pretty sweet.
07-08-26 23:32:30
bonFreakingJovi ::: Favorites
You're not too bad at doing that voice.
07-08-26 03:50:54
UnseenSpartan ::: Favorites
What?! Atton!!! That was unexpected, but cool. Nice job.
07-08-25 14:27:27
thehmphone ::: Favorites
hehe, Atton made a small cameo in that Taris bar, good job. Very movie like with all those transitions and the movie score.
07-08-25 12:52:36
Willzyyy ::: Favorites
I love this game!
07-08-25 04:23:07
solidsnake1209 ::: Favorites
good vid
07-08-23 16:04:02
darthmilo77 ::: Favorites
How about using the ACTUAL music from the game?
07-08-23 13:22:35
crazzychinchila ::: Favorites
Awome ya
07-08-22 01:17:49
FENIXBLADE ::: Favorites
Atton was the one in Kotor 2, Carth is on both Kotor 1 and 2, but in Kotor 2 he's just an extra NPC.
07-08-21 09:08:44
Ozath182 ::: Favorites
MAN THIS IS FREAKIN AWESOME!!!!!!!!!! U RULE I MEAN WOHW THAT IS SO COOL U RULE!! Nice Job with the cinematics they are like real but the guys are standing the wrong way talking to you in some bits..oh well thats how kotor is but hey good job
07-08-21 06:17:52
Brammers2007 ::: Favorites
07-08-20 17:30:37
Supercommentator ::: Favorites
Check my cool KOTOR bug videos!
07-08-20 16:09:28
stevean2 ::: Favorites
no no uv got it all wrong atton fighted with the rublic in mandlorian and that other war but when the republic started loseing he then trained to be a sith assian
07-08-20 09:11:20
FENIXBLADE ::: Favorites
DUH!!!!!! Atton was a soldier who followed Revan after the Mandalorian wars and there, he and others were trained by Revan to become Special Sith Assasins. **Think b4 replying**
07-08-21 09:07:06
stevean2 ::: Favorites
no u meet atton first remember casue ur in that cube thing and he relese u from it and gose somewere
07-08-20 08:57:13
stevean2 ::: Favorites
yeah atton fighted in the two wars like karth did but when the republic started loseing he joind the dark side (sith)
07-08-20 08:53:48
stevean2 ::: Favorites
in kotor one if u join the light or dark side it has differnt endings.
07-08-20 08:51:25
garoosh05 ::: Favorites
07-08-19 17:41:22
tequilajade5 ::: Favorites
sweet vid man kotor rocks!
07-08-18 04:01:47

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