Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Ron Paul Revelation

Duration: 01:19 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-20 00:16:38
User: KoranPaul
:::: Favorites

The truth about Ron Paul and his minions

NortonYorksterdam ::: Favorites
unintentionally hilarious!
07-08-23 19:43:48
willmasur ::: Favorites
Wow, if you really believe this you have no hope.
07-08-25 02:03:26
justinstout1234 ::: Favorites
What is this crap? Go Ron Paul! Find out the truth here: RonPaul2008 . com
07-08-25 08:50:32
IAmCelery28 ::: Favorites
07-08-25 11:18:01
pcreator ::: Favorites
Hail Ron Paul! Hail Satan!
07-08-25 11:18:13
devilrulesinextremes ::: Favorites
The maker of this video needs to join fredthompsonforum(DOT)com A bunch of like minded fellows over there...
07-08-25 12:10:36
BillyvonDumpling ::: Favorites
I think Ron Paul would find think this was pretty funny. I know I did and I'm voting for him.
07-08-26 13:48:01
themaclady ::: Favorites
This video creator is obviously a supporter of Ron Paul! LOL Thanks! The video was very funny..... :-)
07-08-27 16:35:02
rolpho ::: Favorites
I am voting for Ron Paul right fucking now if he is indeed a satanist.....Hail Satan!
07-08-27 18:13:19
abyssmalzenith ::: Favorites
That is funny, because if he is the Anti-Christ I support him. If he is Jesus's Second Coming, I support him. RON PAUL 2008!
07-08-28 06:02:55

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