Tuesday, September 11, 2007

I Know A Bot (English)

Duration: 03:25 minutes
Upload Time: 06-06-26 18:59:02
User: bodifar
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The Swedish *ahem* artist Basshunter made a song about ... well, an IRC bot :-) The bot's called Anna, and well ... just watch the video :-)

H3nry7h3h3n ::: Favorites
Notice how the bouncer nods after he says "yea no one can take over our bot"... its a password
07-09-09 17:16:28
noro12 ::: Favorites
07-09-06 09:07:43
cookiekopsen ::: Favorites
07-09-05 14:41:21
jeffmacleod85 ::: Favorites
if i was the bouncer i'd be like "woah man, what the hell are you talking about... you're not going in.." hahah
07-08-31 19:40:37
SofiaAlskarOlaSalo ::: Favorites
vadå dålig översättning?? Jg som tyckte den va braa.. :/där ser man hur "bra" man e på engelska då !! Fan e alla värsta proffsen
07-08-24 15:05:28
lilcr4zy4lif3 ::: Favorites
and you need to stop correcting peoples spelling ass wipe
07-08-23 17:45:08
ToxicatedLum ::: Favorites
lmao! xD
07-08-19 21:29:19
staffo654 ::: Favorites
i like it when he talks 2 the bodyguard and he just goes yeah i know a bot...
07-08-17 09:20:15
MisterColeman ::: Favorites
They really should have put her in the boat at the end too, but I'm glad they put her in the car the last few seconds.
07-08-16 10:38:55
lord579 ::: Favorites
swedish like the candy fish lol check out dotA
07-08-14 20:49:45

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