Sunday, October 28, 2007

Primiti Too Taa (1988 Animation)

Duration: 03:39 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-03-27 06:53:49
User: jimboya
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Primiti Too Taa - an excerpt from the poem "Ursonate" (Sonata in primitive sounds) by Kurt Schwitters (1887-1948) Produced and Directed by Ed Ackerman and Colin Morton 1988


stewprime ::: Favorites
I just uploaded another version with better sound (not knowing this one already existed). Do a search. :)
07-01-01 15:51:07
jimboya ::: Favorites
good, because I have no idea how to increase the sound levels. I have quicktime pro, and when I increase the volume in the movie properties and save it, it doesn't take for some reason. drives me crazy. thanks for posting another copy. j.
07-01-01 15:55:51
dunderplunken ::: Favorites
the poor sound quality really, really defeats the point of this little film... any chance of a re-posting it with better sound?
06-12-30 15:55:54
aberling ::: Favorites
Thanks for posting this...been looking for it for ages! Would it be possible to re-post it with better sound?
06-12-28 15:38:48
abbeyroad28 ::: Favorites
i'm having trouble hearing it, sounds really quiet and muffled...
06-11-15 14:29:33
ursonate ::: Favorites
This was great. I watched it without sound and it really captured the rhythm.
06-08-14 23:26:52
Jitter ::: Favorites
I thouroughly enjoyed this! I can't find it anywhere...thanks for putting it up!
06-07-10 12:30:53
JadyLester ::: Favorites
Thanks so much for adding this!! I can't find it on video anywere. All the good animated short compilations are extinct. My lifelong ambition is to get a toyota truck and rearrange the "O" to read "TOO TA"
06-04-18 20:02:09

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