Monday, September 10, 2007

Liberal media bias exposed 2

Duration: 04:01 minutes
Upload Time: 06-11-14 04:01:28
User: mulhollanddose
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ABC's Mark Halperin pulls back the liberal sheep's clothing from the Democrat propaganda machine of ABC, cBS, NBC, et al.

mulhollanddose ::: Favorites
Halperin touches on the undeniable power and control, over a lion's share of the media, the liberals have. The video above speaks for itself...The fact is that Halperin (liberal) is watering down the manipulative force the media knows it is. The media knows its power and they abuse it. He doesn't touch at all on the fact that the very power that teaches the student, orchestrates the polls, and the polls reflect nothing more than what was taught.
07-06-21 01:05:16
odh202 ::: Favorites
Halperin did not address objectivity in the media at all. His book is about how to capture the most votes, not about quality reporting. Halperin is trying to woo viewers from Fox News. For Halperin, quality journalism is beside the point. His objective is to capture viewers, just as (in Halperin's world) the job of a candidate is capture the most votes. But those goals ignore the viewer's (voter's) interests. The viewer supposedly wants quality journalism.
07-06-21 00:09:17
HELLFIRE8282 ::: Favorites
07-05-20 13:24:26
Prodius ::: Favorites
Liberals never like the truth. For them anything is reasonable as long as their rperesenatives gain power. The years of political brainwashing have left them incapable of an opposing view. Look at the last elections. You would think it was a HUGE Liberal win. However the Blue Dogs (Conservative Democrats) won almost 40 setas from mostly democrats. A Dem win but a Liberal loss.
07-04-15 19:17:16
Prodius ::: Favorites
Well there your wrong. Just look at the ratings and realize the Liberal left is the Minority and NOT the majority.
07-04-15 19:07:24
nopez ::: Favorites
Halperin is a neocon hack. He just defends wars for Israel.
07-03-21 19:10:07
vjd55 ::: Favorites
Sue and Alan are sleazebags trotted out on Hannity for the sole purpose of making liberals look bad. You've got beefcake Hannity on one side, and squirrely little Colmes & that scummy whore Estrich on the other side. It's not fair. Invite Chomsky & Amy Goodman on and we'll talk.
07-03-09 00:35:23
joeborden68 ::: Favorites
Right--that's why Clinton is suing them. Because they're so liberal. ::rolls eyes:: "Frankly, the bias of the ABC drama is not surprising given the background and political leanings of its writer/producer, Mr. Nowrasteh, which have been well-documented on numerous conservative blogs and talk shows in his promotion of this film. Mr. Nowrasteh's bias can be seen in an interview he gave to David Horowitz's conservative magazine Frontpage, during which he said:
07-02-25 00:35:10
GMAN32X ::: Favorites
Don't forget about Juan Williams, Neil Gabler, Greta Van Susteren, Mara many liberals do you need to be representative?
07-02-24 12:37:14
jpehman ::: Favorites
Ideas that are different from your own are not necessarily strange. Maybe everyone that you talk to thinks the exact same way you do. If that's the case, that doesn't make you and all your acquaintances right. Has this never occurred to you? (expecting a typical insulting response along the lines of, "you're an idiot" and such)
07-02-23 02:11:05

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